Meltdown and Spectre Security Flaws
Meltdown and Spectre Security Flaws

New vulnerabilities have been exposed this week that affect most computer systems including Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and ChromeOS (including the Chrome web browser). These flaws are a feature designed into the architecture of most electronic devices and operating systems and are exploited through attacks known as Meltdown and Spectre. If successful, these attacks could ...

Responding to an Incident

Properly responding to an incident....

Uses of Digital Forensics

Digital forensics provides one of the best routes for your company or person to take when investigating someone for digital misconduct....

To Go Forward You Must Backup

For any business, the strength of your cloud-based  storage system can provide the difference between success and failure. With the thousands, if not millions of files concerning company finances and user data, it is of utmost importance that those files are always accessible and never lost. In simpler terms, the reliability of this data to ...

Its About Time
Its About Time

Many Digital Examiner have discussed the importance of timeline analysis in an investigation, focusing on the Modify, Access and Creation date/time information.   Some of the same Examiners have created detailed documents surrounding the timezone variable settings located in various config files and Registry files of systems. While these are necessary, there is also a ...

We use Easy Bates to Bates number documents.

We use Easy Bates to Bates number documents.  Recently had the need to Bates number tens of thousands of documents. So, I did some research, tried some tools to assist, but in the end I found Easy Bates. It made the process simple and their licensing approach is perfect – allows you to run same license ...

DFIR Truisms

I collect quotes. Quoting something or someone is fun and entertaining; sometimes it is challenging – much like delivering a joke, timing is everything. During the holidays as I was performing my yearly household purge of both true junk and digital junk, I came across a handful of quotes that I had collected over the ...

The Next Generation & Core Competencies for DFIR Analysts

This week I had the privilege of speaking with a group of Network Security students from ECPI University in Greenville, SC on the topic of what employers look for in hiring graduates into the information security field. When I first outlined what I thought I wanted to share, I realized I focused too much on ...

Avenues to Entry into DFIR

Over the past few years several people have asked me what the best route would be to enter the Digital Forensics / Incident Response field.  While there is no best method, there may be one that works well for you. I know the path I took had it’s challenges – mainly of acceptance – because in ...

Topics of Necessary Evil – Licensing

Mention to anyone in the Digital Forensics field that you are a DF examiner or investigator and you may quickly find yourself in a licensing & regulation discussion. By interpretation, the state of South Carolina (via SC’s State Law Enforcement Division – SLED) has decreed that one must hold a Private Investigator’s license in order to fulfill the ...